Many wonderful memories

19 June 2024 | Charlotte & Hans

We had a fantastic trip with our very nice guide Frank! It was an unforgettable experience.

What we remember most about the trip is the variation in nature that we experienced in the different parks! And the amount of animals, sometimes very close! The Big 5 has been spotted! But also the freedom of the birds and the small animals.

Camping in the tents in the national parks was a real experience! We heard lots of animals including hyenas and lions! (And that was quite exciting at times, but super cool!).

Tanzania is a fantastic country with very friendly and warm-hearted people! It’s beautiful!


This trip brought us back to basics, but with the comfort of the beautiful accommodations.
The limited online life because we only used WIFI, that was nice and quiet!


The safari through Northern Tanzania has brought us many wonderful memories.

Many thanks to team Explore Tanzania for putting together this beautiful trip!

Greetings Hans and Charlotte

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