Blog work trip (Marloes): unique walking safari Ngorongoro Crater

17 May 2018

Blog work trip in Tanzania (Marloes) March 2018 – dag 5: Unique walking safari Ngorongoro Crater

It is early today (& cold!) as we get up on the Ngorongoro Crater rim, but our mood’s good! We are going to make a unique walking safari today: along the edge of the Ngorongoro crater. The sky is clear blue and the sun is shining: it will be a beautiful day!
After breakfast at Ngorongoro Crater Camp, we first drive 10 minutes to the starting point in the Ngorongoro highlands. We are dropped in the middle of authentic Maasai land (and ringing cowbells). We only meet the jeep in 20 kilometers, since our walking route is a true walking path that no car can pass.
What a great start! The colors are unbelievably beautiful: a bright green valley, clear blue sky, bright red dressed Maasai with their donkeys and cows and in the distance, the dark green Ngorongoro Forest. While walking in the sun on a narrow, rolling “cow trail”, this is really enjoying!
After about an hour we arrive at the Ngorongoro Forest where we walk among mossy acacias. The variety of landscapes ensure this walk to be beautiful and never dull. And after the forest comes the moment that everyone is waiting for: the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater and the view into the crater…. wow, how beautiful!!
This view dominates the longest part of the walk and never bores! Along the way, we are overtaken by Maasai in their sandals, to whom the walk to the next village is commonplace. We can only fully enjoy their habitat!
After 20 kilometers, we meet the jeep again and we can enjoy a well-deserved seat. There’s still time for a game drive in the Ngorongoro crater, so we are more than happy to use it! The animals choke on the beautiful green crater: zebras, wildebeests, impalas, warthogs, ostriches, jackals, hyenas, lions, elephants, buffalo, lions and … RHINOS! What a fantastic day!
Very satisfied we drive to our next luxury camp on the crater rim. This ride is gorgeous: along the crater rim to the crater floor on your right and the endless plains of the Serengeti on your left. With the evening sun there it couldn’t be more beautiful … My favorite place on earth!