Seen a lot, enjoyed incredibly!
Dear Marjolijn,
Our vacation was, thanks to your fantastic selections, unforgettable. The Highlands remains a place that I wouldn’t offer if I were you. There is nothing you can do about it, the manager in fact raised his heart and even asked us to report it. It was a really beautiful and special place, but the way there was largely impassable after the rim of the crater. Let’s forget about it. Maybe it works :)
I did the crater by myself and enjoyed the very nice bush lunch. pity for M. and B. Maybe a reason to go there again. M. and B. were pampered by those who stayed behind. Nothing but compliments and warm memories of the men there!
The trip. Yes where to start? The scents and colors; the flora and fauna or just the cordiality of the people? You always do something or someone short. We’re still drunk and tired of all impressions. 2 weeks in a villa with a butler in Mauritius was a kind of retreat. We have hardly left; so broken and satisfied.
We had no hope in advance for the big5 or expectations for the migration. But then, if you’ve seen almost all 5 (just not the rhino at an unrecognizable distance) and really front row experience crossing of the Mara river by thousands of wildebeests on your first day in the Serengeti? What are the chances. Marjolijn, truly an unforgettable thing. Allan was angry because his colleague guides obscured us with reckless behavior; parked his car next to it, not knowing that we were standing at the entrance of the wildebeests. Great; Richard Attenborough didn’t see it this beautiful!
The people we met? All to get through a ring. So friendly. So focused on hospitality. And yes, sometimes something goes wrong in his African way, but that “is part of it”.
I don’t know if you’ve been to Arusha recently, but we were literally straight up in bed the first night! In the valley below the hotel, mega speakers have mounted mega speakers on a mosque. The first singing competition starts at 5 a.m. Hi, loud. We were shocked but immediately again in a dent! Sad for the non-Muslims there. This repeats 3 or 4 times a day on volume 10. Brrr imagine you live next to it. But here too, you can see how nice they are; we were concerned with them but they said it’s not so bad …
The locations. How special. The first tent (I call it house anyway) with the hot water supply via lifted buckets of hot water. The beautiful first evening colors and the sounds. Sounds all night long. At first, I thought I would hear a single mosquito or a snake; just predators that walk past your net! Bleating Elephants and growling lions. Wow!
Seen a lot; enjoyed incredibly. Flying was hilarious. None of the flights went as planned. Then an additional stopover or a part of the passengers on a different plane. Sometimes to our advantage sometimes not. But always with a smile from ear to ear.
Once again; absolutely great!!!
on behalf of M. and B. a big thank you!
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